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Libuba CDWT group

Communitiy Disability Worker Training

In January 2022, we started a year-long, part-time community disability worker training programme. Thanks to sahee foundation, we have been able to grant scholarships to 12 women to attend the training! These women are from 4 different areas in the Lubombo Region of eSwatini. The women from Maphungwane, Tikhuba and Mambane all have experience living with a person with a disability. The two ladies from Maphiveni are employees of Kudvumisa Foundation, our fiscal sponsors. Kudvumisa Foundation is seeking to support families living with persons with disabilities in their areas of outreach more effectively. We would also like to thank Compelled by Love and Operation Hope for making it possible for us to provide transport and lunch for the trainees so that they can attend the training stress-free!

The trainees are showing the attitude and the aptitude to be agents of change in their communities, working to empower families living with disability, to support children with disabilities and their caregivers, and to decrease stigma and discrimination toward disability in their respective communities!


Brining hope and change

We have felt so blessed to have Celice Lindner, occupational therapist specialized in neuro rehabilitation, volunteer with us for 3 months! She has certainly left her mark in the form of great therapy plans, children well seated in their wheelchairs, community workers inspired, and an encouraged Libumba outreach team!

Thank you Celice for your generous and selfless service with Libumba! We will miss you greatly and hope to see you back here soon!



In collaboration with Community Engagement and Rehabilitation Association (CERA), we have been serving children with orthotic needs. There are many children who have not had the required early intervention, and hence developed deformities that now require orthotic assistance. This includes, amongst other things, untreated club foot and bow leggedness.

The team at CERA has shown a passion for bringing help to people who would not otherwise be able to afford orthotics. We have enjoyed seeing how the CERA team takes on any challenge! Thank you CERA!